SHINKO STUDIO | Design, Crafts, Contemporary-Japanese Jewelry Tokyo


Saturday 25th November, from 3:00 p.m.
Unveiling of new works & talk session
Location: SHINKO STUDIO setagaya shop ACCESS

To customers of SHINKO STUDIO

SHINKO STUDIO is pleased to be releasing new work after a long period of inactivity. We look forward to unveiling these works at the shop together with the customers who have supported us thus far. We also hope that you will enjoy our talk session, delivered in Japanese with Kazuyo Gomi (approx. 1 hour), and dainty desserts by the Italian restaurant Connect Kitchen. As you are aware, our shop is rather small, so we will be accepting 15 guests on a first-come-first-served basis. Should you wish to attend, please email us your name and telephone number at the email address below with the subject heading: Request to attend the unveiling of new works on the 25th. We are looking forward to seeing you at the event.

Application mail


Hisho[飛翔]K18YG/WG Diamonds Engraving Ring

Expressing the texture of metal” is interesting

I think that there is a “texture” for everything.
There is a preconceived notion of metal as something sparkly or shiny, so the texture of metal is hardly ever talked about.
However, it is extremely interesting.

Among other things, matte textures are also actually very fascinating.
There is an assumption that metal is hard, and when you try wearing this kind of texture, it feels so soft that you might be taken aback. (more…)

Kazuk Nishibayashi art jewelry

Jewelry Artist, Kazuko Nishibayashi at SHINKO STUDIO in Tokyo May 25th (Thu) – 28(Sun)

May 25th (Thu) – 28(Sun), an Exhibition of the Works of Kazuko Nishibayashi  Exhibition Extra Edition at SHINKO STUDIO.
May 13th (Sat) – The solo exhibition of Kazuko Nishibayashi that was held in the AC Gallery in Ginza ended successfully.We have received many requests from SHINKO STUDIO’s  clients asking to be able to see the works of Kazuko Nishibayashi at the SHINKO STUDIO store, but we thought it would be difficult to make such arrangements because of the fact that Kazuko is scheduled to return to Germany next month. However, a few days ago, we received word from Kazuko that she would be able to lend us her works from May 25th (Thu) until May 28th (Sun). Furthermore, I am told that she will be able to personally come to the store for us on Saturday, the 27th, from 2:00 to 5:00.
