SHINKO STUDIO | Design, Crafts, Contemporary-Japanese Jewelry Tokyo

Pt950 Diamond Pendant Bespoke

Pt950 Diamond Pendant Bespoke

This simple pendant is one of Shinko Studio’s most popular custom orders.

It is made using the “fusekomi” technique, in which a platinum base metal surrounds the diamond and sets the stone.

At first glance, one might wonder what makes this pendant different from ready-made products, but it is filled with basic technical skills and attention to detail.

Pt950 Diamond Pendant Bespoke

Craftsmen assemble the pendants from a sheet of metal according to the size of each diamond.

For simple pendants, mass production often uses the “casting technique,” in which metal is poured into a mold and cast.

When made from a sheet of metal, it is possible to match the stone more precisely, and above all, the finished shape is far more accurate.

It is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that requires a high level of skill on the part of the craftsman.

The finished product is a moving sight to behold.

Pt950 Diamond Pendant Bespoke

Many people find it difficult to wear a diamond of a certain size as a ring on a daily basis.

Compared to rings, pendants are easier to incorporate into everyday wear, even with relatively large stones.

Pt950 Diamond Pendant Bespoke

We recommend matching it with a supple stainless steel wire chain that goes well with the atmosphere of the pendant.
We hope you will use it a lot in various situations in your daily life.
